Today Megatherm is recognised and preferred by it’s expanding list of domestic and international clientele
Megatherm deals in Metal Heating & Melting Equipment and possesses the strength to meet Thermal Challenges through Induction.
In 1989 we sparked off, banking on our team of Electro Thermal Processing experts and the capital of experience that we had gathered since the 1970. We made our presence felt across steel, foundry, forging and various other Metal Working Sectors, surging forward with spirits held high and the fire burning within…Know more

Products & Services
Products & Services
Forging Shop & Mass Heating Equipment
Foundry Melt Shop Equipment
Installation In
Our Team
Megatherm is led by Shesadri Bhusan Chanda, Chairman & Managing Director and Satadri Chanda, Executive Director. The group employs over 500 people which includes over a 100 engineers for Sales, Service, R&D, Engineering and other functions.

Shesadri Bhusan Chanda

Satadri Chanda

Shesadri Bhusan Chanda

Satadri Chanda
News & Events
What People Say

Alisha Smith

Andrew Wills

William George

Brenda Wills

James Gibson

Toni Morrison

Creative Solutions
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